Sleeping with your westie have pros and cons

First of all, sleeping with your dog you can enchance your bond between you two (or how many you have). And if you spend most of the day not together it is great way to compensate your time spent at work accepting your dog to sleep with you.

It is proven that sleeping with your dog you are more relaxed and sleep better.
Close relationship with your dog can improve your health or even improve survival rates after life threatening surgery.
And talking with dog can decrease blood pressure.

Lets not forget about cons.

Worst thing that can happen is infections. But this is more a lack of hygiene not beause of sleeping together.

Sleep deprivation. Scientists noticed that it can be harder to fall asleep and moreover people got up more tired if they slept with their dogs. But again it depends on many factors, for example how good your dog is trained to behave.

Behavioural issues in your dog. Depends on breed, training, situation.. but if your dog is very bossy it can make changes in your dogs behaviour.

@bestdograincoats Bonus at the end of video: Deciding whether to let your Westie sleep in your bed is a personal choice that depends on your lifestyle and preferences. Weighing the pros and cons can help you make an informed decision that benefits both you and your beloved pet. And remember, keeping your Westie clean with our range of dog clothes can make sharing your bed a more pleasant experience for both of you. For more tips on pet care and to check out our latest dog clothing collection, visit our online store at @WestieDogLife ♬ Still into you Cyril remix – Cyril Riley

As you see, scientists have not confirmed that you can’t, it does not hurt or change something into bad way. But what I noticed, that my westies are much more enthusiastic and happy to welcome me in the morning when we sleep in our own beds. They are not so stubborn or bossy.
Moreover I feel better if we so not sleep together: my bed is big, but you know westies, they need to sleep close as they can, so I am afraid to kick or move not to wake them up. And of course, main reason I ask my girls to sleep in their beds is my nose, sneezing and some kind of allergy. As you know, I am tailor and there is plenty options for dusts to get into my nose, so I try to reduce these options so I could continue sewing withour big distractions.

Deciding whether to let your Westie sleep in your bed is a personal choice that depends on your lifestyle and preferences. Weighing the pros and cons can help you make an informed decision that benefits both you and your beloved pet. And remember, keeping your Westie clean with our range of dog clothes can make sharing your bed a more pleasant experience for both of you.

Conclusion – you know it better 😉

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