1 Item that Protects Your Dog from Ticks, Direct Sun, Burdocks, Heat and Dust

Anyone who owns a white dog knows the struggle – it seems like summer is finally here, the weather is warm and beautiful, and we can finally take a break from constantly bathing our dogs. Unfortunately, unfortunately… White fur is a terrible giveaway, and this is something that all dog owners who pay a little extra attention to their four-legged friends experience. But let me brighten your day. Just as a raincoat protects you from moisture and dirt in the wet season, there is a simple and reliable way to protect your dog’s coat from city dust and the treasures of meadows or forests in their hairstyles in the summer.

City Dust and Country Hazards

In the city, there is a lot of dust in the summer. Sidewalks and streets, no matter how often they are cleaned, are full of dry fluff, which is easily collected by our little paws, long skirts, and curious noses. Scared of city dust, we run to meadows, parks, and forests, where other fun awaits our little ones. Not to mention all the burrs and thorns that we patiently pick out after each walk. The biggest joy is burdock seeds. How many tears and patience it takes to comb them out..

And then there are all sorts of bugs, mosquitoes, ticks, and flies. In such cases, we just start dreaming of wrapping our dog in some kind of cocoon before we let them out. Do you know the situation when both you and your dog start to reconsider walks in nature just because of the difficulties you face when you return from there?

Linen Overalls and Tees to the Rescue

Dog raincoat creator Rima suggests trying linen overalls for dogs (like a raincoat, but a summery, lightweight one made of linen). Linen is well-known for its pleasant coolness and comfort in hot weather and rightfully reigns supreme in our summer wardrobes. Your four-legged friend will definitely appreciate a sip of freshness in the scorching summer sun. Linen clothing will protect your pet not only from summer dust, burrs, or lengthen the path to the skin for ticks, but also protect them from direct sunlight. As your mother always says – don’t go outside without a hat, you’ll get a sunstroke. And dogs, just like humans, like to lie in direct sunlight and “sunbathe”. This is how they get the necessary dose of vitamin D, which is essential for their body’s biorhythm. However, just like for us, too much sun can be dangerous and harmful.

Dog Summer Overall

(2 customer reviews)

Dog summer overall was designed to keep dog safe from ticks, direct sun and summer dust or burdocks. It is custom made dog clothing to fit the unique your dogs body shape. Please choose perfect size for your dog or add measures in custom option. The fabric is natural flax or linen, that has natural…

Sun Safety for Your Furry Friend

Spending too much time sunbathing can lead to dehydration, especially if your pet cannot always reach enough water. An overheated animal is at risk of heatstroke or sunstroke. Just like us, just like your pets, they can get sunburned if they lie in the sun for too long. According to Dr. Britt Levy, a resident at the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine, burns are most likely in dogs with light or very thin, sparse hair. Abundant sunbathing, especially for light-colored or sparse-haired dogs, according to Levy, is just as dangerous for them as for humans, as it can cause burns or even skin cancer.

Tips to Protect Your Pet from Summer Woes

To protect your pet from such summer troubles and enjoy its benefits, you should remember a few tips that veterinarian-dermatologist Britt Levy suggests not to forget for everyone who keeps a dog at home.

The first tip is to closely monitor how long the dog is in direct sunlight, whether it has enough water, and to constantly monitor its condition. As soon as the dog loses its activity, saliva becomes viscous, unusual behavior appears, and weakness appears – immediately take care of its cooling.

“If a dog has a heatstroke, you will notice rapid, loud breathing. The tongue and gums will be bright red, it will drool a lot of sticky saliva, it may vomit

The veterinarian RΕ«ta NoreikaitΔ— described the most important signs of illness.

If you notice these signs, it is necessary to immediately transfer the animal to a cool place and cover it with a cloth dampened with cold water. It is important that the abdomen, armpits, and groin areas are cooled, as they are poorly ventilated, so the most heat accumulates in them. If the animal has not lost consciousness, it can be given cool water. If you have an electronic thermometer, be sure to measure your four-legged friend’s temperature by inserting the device into the rectum. It is necessary to cool the animal until the temperature drops to 39.5 C degrees.

Another important and useful tip is to cover the animal’s body from direct sunlight. If your dog enjoys spending a lot of time outdoors, spends a lot of time in sunny places, you should consider purchasing protective clothing from direct sunlight.

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